Addiction Depiction
In 2014, Andreas Hykade, an animator and film educator, created the five minute short “The Nugget” a beautiful depiction of the arc of addiction. His only character, a vulnerable solitary little bird, takes the journey familiar to many addicts and alcoholics. The adventure begins in an innocent moment of inquiry and is followed by a brief and joyful investigation. The saga continues, inevitably leading into isolation, loss and sadness. I have shown this short to many a client in early recovery. All have sat in rapture and then lingered in silence.
Images are powerful, and for the addict, often a greater connection to their reality than any words. If you go to Hykade’s website you will find a multitude of his animated shorts, some with adult topics others designed for children. They dig deep into the psyche, the labyrinth of human emotion. For anyone interested in understanding the arc of addiction, this five minute short will lead you to a greater understanding and awareness of the addict’s lonely and pain ridden journey.